Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Seeking Adventure

For the past year I have been a Brand Ambassador for Cozy Orange Yoga Wear. I write a monthly blog for them and this month's topic was "Seeking Adventure" It was perfect timing as my mom had just come out to visit me in Moab, Utah and experienced many firsts.  The following is the blog I wrote for Cozy Orange

When someone speaks of the need to “seek an adventure” do you immediately roll your eyes? Is the first thought in your brain “I’m not adventurous”?  For some of us adventure tends to be described by activities, which create physical exhaustion and push mental limits to create a thrill, but that is not really what adventure is.  An adventure can happen anywhere, any time, it is experiencing something new, different, and may be out of your comfort zone.
This past weekend my mom visited Moab, Utah from Stroudsburg, PA.  (My mom was born and raised in Queens, NY)  She is in her sixties, now a retired teacher, and beginning to travel more.  I decided this visit I needed to plan activities, which would show her Moab as well as be fun.  First we hiked Fisher’s Towers, then went zip lining at Raven’s Rim Zip Line (my current line of work), not limit pushing, but a first for her.
The next day we went Stand Up Paddle boarding on the Colorado River! She had never SUPed before and I took her through rapids in a river, which is currently flooding instead of on a calm lake.  She stayed positive and had a blast! We then packed the car and went camping for her first time in a place so amazing I feel it cannot be described by words.  She made her first real Smore, slept in a tent, enjoyed breakfast and coffee, then geared up to hike in Canyonlands National Park and Arches National Park. 
Every day was packed with firsts for her, which happen to be normal activities for me.  However, being able to experience them with my mom for the first time allowed an adventure for me as well! I was able to see my mom push through nerves and fears of unknowing.  I was also able to be there for her to reassure it was okay.  She fell in one time while SUPing, which was kind of my fault.  At first I saw panic wash over her face until I talked her through holding onto the board and floating through the rapids until calm water.  She took a breath and went with it, got back on the board and loved every second after. 
New experiences do not have to be limit testing for them to be adventures all you need is the courage to take a chance and the mindset of staying positive.  I recommend in any type of adventure, partake with a calm positive attitude.  I have been in situations where adventures have taken a negative turn, I can honestly say staying positive and calm afford the best outcome.  I encourage all to switch up daily routines or help someone else venture into a new experience.
Life is lived, experienced, and learned through adventure.  

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