I also have a tight budget as I am on a year long trip. I spend on average 30-40 dollars a week on food.
If a recipe has a * next to it, it is a recipe I cook often.
Bomb Salad!!
handful Cashews
Bowl Baby Spinach
1 Carrot
1/4 Bell Pepper
handfull Strawberries
1/4 cup Cooked Quinoa and black bean mixture
2 slices Onion
1/2 Avocado
4 slices Cucumber
4 slices Cheese of your desire
Balsamic Vinegar
Super easy wash and chop your veggies and cheese throw into a bowl add your desired amount of Balsamic and enjoy! * I had left over quinoa and black beans from the other night. You cook quinoa at a 2:1 (water:quinoa) ratio much like rice. Boil then once it boils lower the heat and let it simmer till the water evaporates. I then add a can of black beans in and to warm them. In the salad both the cooked quinoa and beans were cold.
More Than a Grilled Cheese
1 Egg
Slice Onion
1/4 Bell Pepper
2 slices Bread
Coconut Oil
handful Baby Spinach
One evening I decided I wanted a grilled cheese sandwich, but after a full day of climbing I knew it wouldn't be enough food. I decided to add in a fried egg. First fry the egg then on one slice of bread layer cheese, pepper, onion, egg, spinach and another layer of cheese then place the other piece of bread. Put a little coconut oil on in frying pan and place the sandwich in the pan. I keep it on low to medium heat and put a lid on the pan for a few minutes. Then I flip the sandwich and wait till I can see the cheese has melted. So simple and easy.

*Veggie/bean Quesadilla
1/4 cup cooked quinoa
1/4 bell pepper
2 slices onion
1 can black beans
2 Tortillas
Cook quinoa 2:1 ratio (water:quinoa) then create a quesadilla with veggies of your choice. Slice your cheese layer the tortilla with cheese then veggies, quinoa, and black beans, then layer more cheese on top and place another tortilla. Heat on low until cheese is melted and then flip and heat till the cheese is melted on that side. Slice and serve. Can be a meal or shared for appetizers. I like to eat with some avocado slices on top and hot sauce.
More than cheese and apple sandwich
Earlier I posted a sandwich, which was simply apple slices, avocado, and cheese. I got back from climbing late one night with no desire to cook. I decided to make and apple and cheese sandwich and then realized why not add a bunch of veggies to it. I really wished I had some humus to throw on there, but didn't. Then I thought what about peanut butter? I was a little hesitant but went with it...so good...put the peanut butter on the apple side of bread! (could use almond butter too)
1 Organic apple slice about half
4slices Red bell pepper
handful Baby spinach
2 slices Red onion
4 slices Cheese of your choice
2 slices Bread of your choice
Peanut Butter
Other veggies you could try
Of course you could throw meat on this as well if you so desire.
Make a sandwich and enjoy!!!
Little More Than Classic Rice and Beans
I have been cooking a lot of quinoa recently and decided to change it up with some rice. I used to eat rice often, but when camping it is just a little harder to clean up than quinoa.
1cup Rice (your choice white, brown, wild)
1tbs Coconut oil
handful Baby spinach
1/4 Red bell pepper (chopped)
1/2 Avocado
2 slices Red Onion (chopped)
1/2 can Black Beans
Tapatio Hot Sauce
1. Cook your rice 2:1 (water : rice)
2. When rice is finished add the 1/2 can of beans to warm them
3. Chop your veggies you can always add other veggies to your mixture and you could add quality meats if you desire
4. I placed my baby spinach in my bowl, then my cooked rice/beans, mixed the coconut oil in then added red pepper, onions, avocado, and Tapatio hot sauce. Mix it up a little and enjoy!
For those days you want to treat yourself...
Tasty French Toast.
This is a bit past the date, but who says you can only love yourself on Valentines Day? I woke up this valentines day out in Red Rocks Nevada. I had been climbing with friends, but ended up spending this day alone. It was quite nice and my mind was set on spoiling myself. I hadn't been grocery shopping in awhile, but dug through my food bin and decided on some french toast.

1 Egg
Agave or honey
Handful Dark Chocolate Chips
1 tbs Coconut oil
This is a super easy and tasty breakfast...and gave me lots of energy for my day of bouldering. Make your french toast as you normally would...scramble the egg in a bowl dip the bread on both sides in the egg and then place into a hot pan with coconut oil. Let cook then flip and cook the other side. Once cooked sprinkle cinnamon on top, drizzle agave or honey, and then place your dark chocolate chips in some sort of pleasing arrangement (its just more fun that way!) and enjoy! No need for syrup especially ones containing high fructose corn syrup! Also greek style vanilla yogurt with honey is a great replacement for syrup on french toast, pancakes, yam cakes, and pumpkin pancakes!
Egg Sandwich
I think I eat two eggs and veggies almost every morning. It just seems like the easiest and I can do it so many different ways that I don't get bored of it.
2 Eggs
Handful Baby Spinach
3 tbs Black beans
2 slices Cheese
1/4 Bell pepper
2 slices Red Onion
1 Roll of your choice or bagel
1 tbs Coconut Oil
Heat up a table spoon or so of coconut oil put two eggs in the pan and stir quickly to scramble and then cook as if you were making an omelet. Flip the eggs add a slice of cheese then place spinach, onion, peppers, black beans, and then the other slice of cheese and fold the eggs over. The cheese on both sides helps to keep the egg sandwich together and avoid all of the veggies falling out. Heat long enough to allow the cheese to melt some then put on the bun of your choice and enjoy!
Energy Bars
I really like to have a bar with me while climbing as it is something quick to eat and usually kind of filling. I don't like the price and often times the ingredients if I buy cheaper ones. I looked for ones which would be simple to make and not to pricy. I found a recipe on backpacker.com, but realized I change most of the ingredients so here is mine and you could do this while winter camping as I think it would get cold enough over night to set.
Amount makes about 20 bars (picture to come, but mine are not in bars more like clumps)
4 cups Any type of cornflake cereal
2/3 cups Agave (or honey)
1/4 cup Brown sugar (optional)
2/4 cups Peanut butter
2/3 cups Dried fruit mix of your choice
1/2 cup Dark chocolate chips
2/3 cup Sunflower seeds
Wax Paper
1. Mix Cornflake cereal, dried fruit, dark chocolate chips, and sunflower seeds in a large bowl. Make sure to really stir.
2. Heat Agave or Honey in a pan with brown sugar, bring it to a simmer for 1 minute then remove from heat and mix in peanut butter.
3. Mix the agave and peanut butter mix with the rest of the dry ingredients and mix well!
4. Lay out on wax paper and put in freezer or in a cooler to allow to harden over night then break up into bars. I think it might work to roll them into balls as well, but I haven't tried that yet.
Apple, Cheese, Avocado Sandwich
I like to have a sandwich with me for lunch plus all sorts of snacks while I am climbing. I'm not a huge meat eater so most of the time I have peanut butter and jelly which gets old after awhile. I switch it up with an apple, cheese, and avocado sandwich. So Tasty!!!
1/2 Apple sliced thin
4 Slices cheese of your choice
1/4 An avocado
Bread of your choice
Add Ons
Changing up Oatmeal
Oatmeal is great as a hearty breakfast. However, it can get boring! Here are some easy and cheap additives while camping or in everyday life.
1 cup Oatmeal
1tbs Peanut butter
handful Berries
Agave or honey to drizzle
I use oatmeal, which needs to be cooked and I use a ratio of 1:1 water and oatmeal it takes about 5 minutes. Once it is cooked I combine everything in a bowl and mix. I love peanut butter and the little bit of agave I drizzled over top sweetened it just enough allowing me to avoid sugar.
Other Toppings To Try
Nuts almonds/peanuts/cashews
Bananas and peanut butter
Apple and Cinnamon
Dark Chocolate Chips and Cinnamon
*Egg Scramble (for 2 people double the eggs)
1 red potato
2 slices red onion
1/4 any color bell pepper
2 eggs
coconut oil
Extras if you choose...
Broccoli (I chop it very fine)
Hot sauce
This is a very easy scramble that I cook often.
1. Slice the red potato and cook in a frying pan with coconut oil. Be sure to flip them and a lid helps to cook them faster. If they are browning, but you still think they are a little raw put a capful of water in and cover with a lid for a few minutes. Once they are cooked place them aside in a bowl.
2. While the potatoes are cooking slice and chop the onion, pepper and any other veggies you plan to include.
3. Put more coconut oil in the pan and scramble up your eggs. Once your eggs are almost fully cooked add all of the veggies and potatoes to the pan to so everything is warm and then serve. You can do this as a breakfast burrito or by itself in a bowl. It is also very easy to clean up!
*Quinoa and Veggies
Amounts can change due to your preference, but this serves two and the best part leftovers can be mixed with eggs in the morning! This can also be served in corn or flour soft taco shells as well. Also throw on a little hot sauce of your choice for some more flavor!

1 can Black Beans
1/2 Bell pepper (color of choice)
1/4 Onion (white or red)
1. Cook quinoa at a 2:1 ratio water to quinoa. Bring to a boil and lower heat until all the water is absorbed.
2. In another pot drain most but not all of the bean juice and heat beans just to get them warm.
3. While cooking quinoa chop peppers, onions, cilantro, avocado, and if you desire cheese.
Once the quinoa is cooked and beans are heated combine your desired amounts of each ingredient and enjoy! This meal is a great source of protein and vegetables. I keep all of my vegetables raw as I prefer the crunchy texture and the more flavor. Feel free to add in additional vegetables of your choice!
Tried a new recipe, which I will cook again while camping, but had the luxury of trying it in a house first. You will need a pot for boiling pasta and a larger frying pan for combining ingredients. Oh and a can opener. I am not putting exact amounts of ingredients as I just grabbed a bunch and chopped until I thought it was enough. (I don't have a full kitchen in my car so all of my cooking I guess on amounts)
Orzo and Chickpeas
1/2 box Orzo pasta
1 can Chickpeas
3 cloves Garlic
1/2 Onion
1/2 Bell pepper
2 tbs Coconut oil
fresh baby spinach (I used a big handful)
mint (used a small handful)
parsley (used a small handful)
cheese (feta should be used but I used colby jack as I
am on a budget and it was just fine!
am on a budget and it was just fine!
1. Boil water and cook the Orzo pasta just as you would any other pasta.
2. Chop all vegetables and herbs you can mix them all together but keep the garlic separate.
3. In the frying pan melt two tbs of coconut oil and add the chopped garlic to brown it. I would do this when the Orzo is almost fully cooked. Once the garlic is browned add the chick peas to warm them.
4. When pasta is finished strain and add to the frying pan...if frying pan is not big enough put the pasta back in the pot you boiled it in and add the contents of the frying pan to it. Stir to evenly mix the oil and garlic.
5. Add onion, bell pepper, baby spinach, mint, and parsley and mix well. Then add the cheese on top before serving.
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