I have now been in Bishop for two weeks and I love it here. I am forced to take a rest day today due to rain/snow, but it should clear up and become nice again this weekend. On Monday I got to go climb at the Druids, which is a bouldering area frequented by fewer people due to the longer approach. It was awesome granite with large huecos in many of the boulders. I climbed with a Bishop local named Denise. She grew up in PA as well and moved here in 2000. We had met the week before at the Buttermilks (another climbing area). I was super stoked to climb with her as she is my height, super strong and just a rad lady. It is a first that I can use someone else's beta! We are planning to go back this up coming Monday as well. It was funny I was talking about my time here in Bishop and she said "you sound like you might want to move here" I would in a heart beat if I could find a quality job.
(The scenery here is just beautiful!)
I have met several other climbers to climb and hang out with. Some have headed home and some are here for another month or more. The greatest part is that it doesn't matter, sure i'm always a little sad when someone moves on with their trip and I no longer get to climb with them, but I also know i'll meet others just as easily as I had met them. I also have new connections all over the country.
I still find it hard to believe how quickly I have been able to form strong bonds with people and yet while being a climber in CO it took me a long time before really meeting climbers I could connect with. I wonder if it is just because i'm such a happier person and therefore subconsciously more open to communication with others? I'm not sure, and not complaining!
I went to Owens River Gorge over the weekend. It is a pretty sweet place, but it will take me a few days to get comfortable with the style of the climbs. I led a few 5.7s 5.8s and 5.9s while there, but wouldn't lead anything harder. I need to climb harder so I fall naturally and realize its okay! Then the mental head game will be much easier to manage. I made so much progress at Smith Rock, but then haven't been on ropes for two months so the nerves and fears returned. However, I really just want to boulder the rest of my time here so I am strong when I head down to Hueco Tanks, TX.
Buttermilk Stem sit start V4
I have a week and a half left here in Bishop then I will make my way back to CO. While there I will catch up with friends, climb, maybe snowboard for a day, and then fly back to the east coast for a month in a house and lots of family time...including getting to meet my nephew Iggy! I'm stoked for some down time, but I suspect after a month i'll be ready to head out on my own again.
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