Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Joe's Valley

After leaving Smith Rock I hung out in Tahoe for a short while and then headed to Joe's Valley.  I had planned to meet up with a friend to boulder for a week.  I arrived around 10:30 PM found a camping spot and my friend Jeremy showed up around 1:30 AM.  The next day we cooked a great breakfast and eased into climbing while still putting in 5hrs of climbing.

We went back to camp to relax and while hanging out in a hammock a van pulled up.  A guy started to walk up and as he got closer I realized it was my good friend Scott who I haven't seen in a long time.  I used to climb with him often and was stoked to run into him.  We ended up climbing with him the next two days.  We climbed all over Joe's Valley.

I had high hopes for Joe's even though I had taken a bit of time off climbing.  I did not send all of the problems I had hoped, but I did send some which I could not do last spring.  It was fun to be around someone who had never been there.  Jeremy was amazed with every boulder problem and had a blast.  He climbed hard and had endless energy! We climbed so many problems we lost count!  The plan was to climb on my birthday and on the 30th.  However, the weather went sour sending rain and snow. Therefore I ended up driving alone on my b-day.  In the end it was not a bad way to spend the day.  I decided to only drive half way and get a hotel.  It sure is nice to shower and watch a little TV.

Check out me sending Self Service (a boulder problem)

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