When I returned to CO the discontent with my job slowly returned and my mind really started to desire the chance to explore and have an adventure. After the first semester I was pretty much convinced I would quit after the year and go climb. I ran it by my family, my siblings being all for it and my parents having their own hesitations, but encouraging.
On April 24th I handed in my letter of resignation and an enormous weight was lifted off my chest. I could once again breath and the stress started to melt away. The drama of the work place stopped affecting my life and I can honestly say I was happy again. I instantly knew it was the correct decision. Since January I have been working to get my life in order to prepare to leave my known life for a year and explore the country, exceptional climbing areas, and possibly figuring out where I want to go with my life. My belongings aside from gear, clothes, and necessities will go in storage and it will be my dog Bodi and I in my Subaru.
I have been climbing as much as possible to prepare for my year. March 22-30th I was in Indian Creek UT crack climbing, then climbed locally in CO for two weeks then spent 3 days in Joe's Valley UT where I finally sent my first V5 outside, then headed to Shelf Rd CO for 3 days. The rest of the month I intend to climb locally in CO until I leave June 1st for City of Rocks ID.
Follow my adventure and leave me input on where to go if you are a climber. My expectations are to meet a variety of people, enjoy aspects of everyday, climb harder...
Climbing goals: boulder V8 by the end of the year and sport lead hard 5.11s comfortably.
Currently i'm bouldering V5 and leading 5.10 outside sometimes. Leading is a major mental issue for me. I plan to get over that this year!
Wall ST Moab UT
Indian Creek UT
Wall St Moab UT
Joe's Valley, UT